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My passion is resolving workplace disputes through arbitration or mediation.   It's that simple.

Arbitration: I conduct an orderly hearing, allow the parties’ representatives to try their own cases, write clear decisions, and get decisions out on time. 

Mediation: I press hard for a settlement without being bossy.

Remote hearings: I have a Zoom Pro Level account, and am available for remote hearings and conferences as well as in-person hearings.

Arbitration Experience

  • 40 years experience arbitrating (mainly labor & employment cases) in Alaska, California, Colorado, Montana, Idaho, Washington, Oregon, and Nevada.

  • Hundreds of cases covering the gamut of issues.

  • Private sector and public sector.

  • Serving on 15 permanent panels that include lumber, paper, maritime, police, fire, municipal. [Permanent panel list]

  • FMCS Résumé.

  • Sample decisions.

Mediation Experience

  • 30 years experience mediating.

  • Employee termination, disability discrimination, sexual harassment, employee benefits, personal injury, business contracts.

  • Two-party cases; multi-party cases.

  • Private cases; court-annexed cases.

Law Practice

  • Oregon State Bar member (inactive). Admitted to practice law in all state and federal courts in Oregon, Ninth Circuit, and United States Supreme Court.

  • I have tried cases in Washington and Oregon trial courts and Oregon federal district court.

  • I have argued cases in the Washington Supreme Court (one win), the Ninth Circuit (one win, some losses), and the United States Supreme Court (one loss).

  • In Seattle my practice focus was admiralty law.

  • In Oregon my practice focus was civil rights and habeas corpus, with a bit of personal injury.


Teaching is a great way to gain knowledge. My focus:

  • Employment law

  • Employment discrimination

  • Labor law

  • Contracts

  • Commercial law (UCC)

  • Arbitration

  • Negotiation

  • Dispute resolution


Quick History

  • Full-time arbitrator & mediator.

  • Arbitrator for 40 years.

  • Mediator for 30 years.

  • Editor - Employment Law Memo 1998-2013, 2018-2020.

  • Law professor - Willamette University College of Law 1969-1999, 2005-2010.

  • Law professor - Lewis & Clark Law School 1967-1969.

  • Law practice - Riddell Williams [now Fox Rothschild], Seattle 1966-1967.

  • Teaching Fellow - Stanford Law School 1965-1966.

  • Law degree - University of Washington 1965.

    • Law Review associate editor.

    • Order of the Coif.

  • Bachelor's degree, Psychology - University of Washington 1961.



  • Member, Oregon State Bar (inactive).

    • Labor and Employment Law Seaction

    • ADR Section


  • Chair, Oregon State Bar Labor & Employment Law Section Executive Committee.

  • Director, Willamette University Center for Dispute Resolution.

  • Vice Chair, Oregon Dispute Resolution Commission.

  • Chair and Director, Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco Portland Branch.

  • Chair, governing board of First Congregational Church.

  • Chief Fundraiser, Restore a Portland Landmark campaign.

  • Chair, Salem, Oregon Downtown Development Board.

  • Dispute Resolution Advisory Committee, Oregon Dispute Resolution Commission.